Title: Guardline Profile for Cleanroom Garments and Hardware

Guardline has been involved in the cleanroom industry since its inception in 1968 when the first overshoes were invented to control contamination in hospitals. This, combined with other consumables was the springboard that propelled Guardline into the cleanroom industry. Guardline Technology is a supplier of cleanroom consumables in Europe having built supplier relationships combined with mass manufacturing capabilities at its base in Norfolk, U.K. In 2000 Guardtech Cleanrooms was created to provide Modular Cleanroom components as well as hardware and cleanroom equipment. In 2005 the Guardline Group purchased Alliance Technologies (formerly Alliance (Sales) Europe Ltd to add the provision of Capital Equipment to the Life Sciences and Micro-Electronics industries. This acquisition “completed” the Guardline Group allowing the three companies to work together to provide a complete cleanroom solution. The Group is led from a central headquarters in East Anglia, with National offices in Scotland, Wales, France and Central Europe, and regional offices in Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Surrey. Guardline has been manufacturing cleanroom garments (both permanent and disposable) for over 25 years in the U.K,. The manufacturing facility in East Anglia can quickly produce garments from a range of fabrics. Ray Wheeler has been the chairman since 1990 when he acquired the company, and has worked for Guardline since 1981.

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  • Guardline Technology

  • Cleanroom

  • Garment

  • Laundry

  • Contamination Control




  • France

  • UK




  • Profile