Title: The Global Warming Debate Can Be Resolved At Least Temporarily With a Plan to Please Everyone

The Republicans want more jobs and the White House wants greenhouse gas reduction. Both can be achieved with a revised version of a clean coal program. There are new developments and options not previously explored which make this possible. They are as follows: •Environmentalists are willing to take the long-term view as per the agreement between China and the U.S. based on Chinese CO2 emissions peaking in 2030. •A new IEA study shows the economic life of a coal-fired power plant can be as little as 25 years. •Advanced coal-fired power plants emit 20 percent less CO2 than old power plants. •Waste heat utilization can double the efficiency of a coal-fired power plant. •New technologies can make coal-fired power plants more efficient. There is an intensive debate in the U.S. relative to greenhouse gas reductions. Both sides cite economic consequences. The reduction advocates cite…

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  • McIlvaine

  • Environmental Approval


  • Environmental Efficiency





  • 12/3/2014


  • News Release