Title: Upgrading Coal Plants around the World Is the Best and Quickest Way to Reduce CO2

The reality is that coal will remain a major fuel source for electricity generation for the next several decades. Coal generators will continue to be the leading source of CO2 emissions. Making these plants more efficient is the easiest way to reduce not only CO2 but all the pollutants. The cost and benefits of an efficiency improvement program are provided in the McIlvaine report, Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast. (www.mcilvainecompany.com) A new study from IEA released in July 2014, cites the Chinese example as the model. The Chinese are now anticipating an economic plant life of 25 years as opposed to 40 years used as the EU model and even longer in the U.S. China is replacing small old plants with new ultrasupercritical designs. These designs all have the latest air pollution control equipment. China realizes that technological improvements make existing plants obsolete after 2.5 decades. Who would argue that the economic life of an automobile is more than 25 years? …

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  • McIlvaine

  • CO2 Removal

  • Upgrade


  • Coal





  • 7/31/2014


  • News Release