Title: AMORAS - Mechanical Dewatering of Sediment

The Port of Antwerp needed to dispose of 2,000,000 m³ of polluted harbour sediment (600,000 tons of Dry Matter) each year, to maintain and improve the port’s navigation system for large vessels. Lagooning the sediments was no longer an acceptable solution: scarcity and cost of land in Antwerp forced the Port to seek a new and sustainable way to deal with its huge amount of harbor sediment. MWH tested the feasibility of the approach through a pilot test of sand separation and sediment dewatering with chamber filter presses. During these tests extensive screening (environmental and geotechnical) of the incoming (i.e. sediment) and outgoing products (i.e. filter cakes, filtrate, sand) was performed, as well as a mass balance of the pollutants in the incoming sludge, filter cake, filtrate and sand.

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  • MWH

  • Filter Press

  • Dewatering


  • Decisive Classification/Remediation



  • Belgium




  • Article