
AES Sl owns 4200 MW of once through cooling systems at 3 generating stations in California Alamitos has 6 units Huntington Beach 4 units and Redondo beach 4 units. The company will meet the new State policy for use of Coastal and Esuarine Waters for power plant cooling by conversion to some single cycle and substantial combined cycle technology. For water reduction three technologies are under consideration including air cooled condensers, confidential technology, or thirdly mechanical draft cooling waters using Title 22 reclaim water. Ocean use would be reduced by 93%.

At ALGS the plan is to replace the six existing units which total 2010 MW with simple cycle or combined cycle gas turbines. These will be conducted in three phases with commercial operation dates separated by 4 years.

Intake screen velocity will not exceed 0.5 fps (page 3).

Reclaimed water will be used. Regulatory hurdles to use seawater are daunting.

400 MW would be commercial in June  2018 followed by  300 MW in October 2018 and March 2019.

In the second phase 300 MW would be added in May, 2022 and  400 MW in December

Present intake is 1300 mgd.  This will be reduced to 89 mgd.