Weekly selected highlights in flow control, treatment and combustion from the many McIlvaine publications.
- Renewable Energy IIoT and Remote O&M Webinar will quantify purchases by individual large solar and wind turbine operators
- Forecasts of combust, flow, and treat, products for specific owners of and suppliers to fossil fired power plants
- 550 Companies will spend $5 Billion for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment
- Hope to see you at DSUA or WEFTEC in September
Renewable Energy IIoT and Remote O&M Webinar will quantify Purchases by Individual Large Solar and Wind Turbine Operators
Large operators of wind turbines and solar power plants are investing heavily in IIoT and Remote O&M. They have generators which are scattered in many locations. Access is often difficult as for example wind turbines offshore or on mountain tops. The suppliers of the generators typically offer remote O&M. However, as Duke found out, receiving masses of data from multiple vendors is challenging. The result has been cloud based systems furnished by third parties which allow the owner to view all data in an organized manner
The webinar will provide examples of specific purchases of control, guide, and measure products by large owners and third party providers. Flow and treat products are also used in the sub stations for cooling air and lubrication of transformers. Concentrated solar requires special pumps. Inverter purchases are substantial due to the characteristics of renewable generation.
To register for the webinar click on Weekly IIoT Webinars
Forecasts of Combust, Flow, and Treat Products for Specific Owners of and Suppliers to Fossil Fired Power Plants
Three hundred large power plant owners and an equal number of EPC's and OEMS will purchase most of the combust, flow, and treat products and services for fossil fired power generation. In India the large owners such as NTPC and large suppliers such as BHEL will be major purchasers. In Japan J Power, IHI and MHPS will be major purchasers. Detailed profiles of these major purchasers are being added to two Mcilvaine publications.
Profiles of large owners, EPCs and OEMS for coal plants are being added in 42EI Utility Tracking System Similar data for gas turbine plants is being added in 59EI Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Supplier Program
550 Companies will spend $5 Billion for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment
550 companies will spend $5 billion for sedimentation and sedimentation equipment in 2018. This group will purchase more than 62 percent of the $8 billion total spent by all companies. McIlvaine has a number of market reports on filtration including one on sedimentation and centrifugation which forecasts a 2018 market of $8 billion for these products.
Revenues - $ millions
Clarifiers and Thickeners
Decanter Centrifuge
Disc Centrifuge
Dissolved Air Flotation
Basket and other Centrifuges
These are devices which are directly purchased by the plants or purchased by suppliers and then installed in the plants. The purchasing decision can be made solely by the supplier but in many cases, there is at least a plant specification with a preferred vendor list. With IIoT and Remote O&M monitoring decision making will be centralized. Less than 20,000 people at 2000 end user corporations and suppliers will account for 86 percent of all sedimentation and centrifugation purchases. The impact of IIoT the market is analyzed in N031 Industrial IOT and Remote O&M.Top of Form
Sedimentation/Centrifugation Purchases 2018
by Category
$ millions
Top 1000 Direct by operators
Top 1000 Suppliers for top 1000 Plans
Top 1000 Suppliers for Smaller Plants
Sub total
Smaller Plants and Suppliers
In the U.S. sedimentation decisions have often been made by the consultants such as AMEC, Sargent & Lundy, Black & Veatch, Burns & McDonnell, or Bechtel. In Asia there is a complex tier of decision makers. System suppliers typically include sedimentation and centrifugation equipment as part of their package. Most scrubbers are sold by companies offering a package including initial separation and recycling of scrubber liquor.
McIlvaine is providing forecasts for each of the major suppliers and operators. Here is an example of the forecasts for five food manufacturing companies for the various centrifuge types.

Forecasts for the 1000 largest operators and suppliers are included in N005 Sedimentation and Centrifugation World Markets.

You will see support for the following conclusions.
IIoT & Remote O&M is going to change the market routes and increase the sales potential for combust, flow and treat products and services in 12 industries.
· Process management systems will deliver lower costs and increased production
· IIoW (wisdom) provided by suppliers will greatly improve results
· The cloud analytics will provide continuous white papers on the performance of each component and be the basis for corporate purchasing
· Money will be better spent on improving products than on promotion
· Component suppliers will both compete and collaborate with the process management systems suppliers to supply the wisdom related software for the component
McIlvaine provides the tools to pursue this opportunity
· The IIoT road map plus guide, control and measure product forecasts for 550 companies and for 12 industries are included in N031 Industrial IOT and Remote O&M
· Forecasts for each specific component purchase for each of the 550 major purchasers are provided in specific market reports listed at MARKETS
· Profiles of the 550 companies and sales programs are described at DATABASES
For more information contact Bob McIlvaine 847 784 0012 ext. 112 rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com
Hope to see you at DSUA or WEFTEC in September
Bob McIlvaine will be a keynote speaker at the Dry Scrubber User Association conference September 19-21. There will be tours to Logan and Carneys Point power stations. The conference subjects include:
- Operating Conditions, Challenges, & Troubleshooting
- Optimization of the equipment
- Past performance upgrades
- Cost-saving initiatives
- New and developing technologies
To register click on: http://dryscrubberusers.org/content.php?173-conference
WEFTEC will be in Chicago this year from September 30 to October 4 and we will be circulating in the exhibit halls. Check it out at http://weftec2017.org/