Mcilvaine Insights


No. 178   October 28, 2021


·       What Will $100/bbl Oil Mean for The Power Industry?

·       Pharmaceutical, Food, and Cleanroom Facilities Are High Growth Air and Water Market Sectors

·       Choose One Process, Pump or Valve Over Another Based on Life Quality Impacts

What Will $100/bbl Oil Mean for The Power Industry?

Oil prices are above $80/bbl and moving possibly to $100/bbl this winter. Mothballed coal  plants are being restarted and there are gas shortages in much of the world.

A growing number of experts are cautioning that the transition to a low carbon economy has to take into account the difficulty in developing wind and solar from just a few percent of power generation to the dominant source.

Gas through LNG has a lower greenhouse gas impact than coal and can be viewed as a transition fuel. Biomass co-firing in existing coal plants could be substantial and flexible. CHP has lots of potential as does hydrogen fuel.

All of these options need to be fully exploited. This journey is being tracked weekly in


Pharmaceutical, Food, and Cleanroom Facilities Are High Growth Air and Water Market Sectors

A shortage of semiconductor chips has caused temporary closing of automobile plants.

Vaccine manufacturers are struggling to build facilities to meet the demand due to the huge need to fight COVID in poorer countries.

Pumps and valves are now used as processing equipment to homogenize food and change its taste and appearance.

All these industries are increasing purchases of air, water, and combustion products at a CAGR of 5% or higher. McIlvaine is analyzing these developments in its pump, valve, cartridge,  RO, Monitoring, and other market reports.  It is also providing weekly tracking in

Pharma Prospects:

World Cleanroom Projects:

Tracking of the individual  projects provides the capability to forecast purchases by more than 100,000 companies.


Choose One Process, Pump or Valve Over Another Based On Life Quality Impacts

Ultimately all product choices involve life quality impacts. A recent justification (Best Available Technology (BAT) for a waste to energy plant in the UK. was based on SNCR rather than SCR. The justification for the higher NOx from the SNCR was the lower CO2 impact.

How do you determine the relative harm from each pollutant? The life quality approach simply iterates  and abides by the wishes of the voters and the law. However, it can also be used to educate them to make better choices.



NOx causes more harm in the near term than does CO2. So a discounted future value multiplier is needed to make the wisest decision. The problem is that the discount applied by the wealthy grandfather setting up trust funds for his great grandchildren will be less than for the poor Indian father whose concern is family survival.

Methane causes more harm in the near term than does CO2. But it has a short comparative life. So the impact of a leaking valve vs. its energy consumption is dependent on the discounted future value of methane.

The U.S. as well as other countries are struggling to optimize their clean energy plans. A complicating factor is the option for Bioenergy CHP plants with Carbon Capture and Sequestration.

Compared to a coal plant, substituting biomass makes the plant carbon neutral. Capturing the waste heat and using it in residences and industry makes it carbon negative. If the CO2 is then captured and sequestered it could be considered a carbon double negative.

This is a technology which can be introduced in stages so that the benefit to cost ratio can be maximized.

Pumps are now competing with mixers and mills to homogenize a range of foods from peanut butter to salad dressing. The end product can taste or appear better. A total cost of ownership comparison between the options has to take into account life quality differences as perceived by the consumer.

The taste preferences as well as electricity costs can differ from region to region. The Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (LTCO) needs to be calculated for each variation in costs including life quality impacts.

The supplier of a unique homogenizer should determine the applications and localities where he will have the LTCO. The rewards will include higher EBITA.

McIlvaine is forecasting niche markets for individual products based on a program starting with a unique metric to measure life quality for all the various processes incorporating air, water, and combustion products and services. This metric is explained at

A video explanation of the complete Most Profitable Market Program is available on YouTube.

·        Part 1:

·        Part 2:

A power point presentation is displayed at:

Bob McIlvaine can answer any questions at 847 226 2391  or